Monthly Archive:: September 2008

The Great Handcar Regatta ’08

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Nathan Halverson writes: Some organizers in Santa Rosa, Calif. put together a great event with Steampunk at its base. It was hands down the best event I’ve been to in Sonoma County in my two years living here. I made a video of it for the local publication. You’ll

Books: Anathem – Neil Stephenson

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Imagine, if you will, a mad scientist's genetic amalgamation of Socrates, William Gibson and Tolstoy. Then imagine this creature was sent to live in a secluded convent of monks for fifty years. Then, imagine he is dropped into the middle of a major metropolitan city with a typewriter. Try

MTV Discovers Steampunk

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MTV has a piece on Steampunk that’s a little different then we’ve seen before.  There’s naturally a greater focus on music and fashion but the intarwebs get a mention too. My only real criticism is that they didn’t pick up on some of the more serious aspects having to

Buckle up your boots and adjust your brass goggles . . .

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On Saturday morning the inestimable Molly Friedrich dropped me a note with a link to an MP3.  I was entirely unprepared for the awesomeness that lay behind that link, Professor Auerbach’s Attack of the Steampunks Rap: Meeting the opposition like a hammer on an anvil Conquering the culture like

NIMBY Appeal

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Hi Everyone! Since Meredith wrote about the fire at NIMBY last week things have been moving at breakneck speed!  The principals are busting their asses to relocate into new and better space and there is no better time to contribute!  Meredith and I just sent $100 their way and

Fiction: The Tailor of Time – Deborah Biancotti – Part Two

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[As promises but a day later, here is part two of The Tailor of Time from the new anthology Clockwork Phoenix.  Enjoy!  – Jake] A tale of cosmic clockwork, "The Tailor of Time" is taken from the fantasy anthology Clockwork Phoenix, published in July by Norilana Books and for

My travel journal: A steam/circus anablog

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Like towels, a hard-cover sketchbook is a most wholly useful object to have-  they’re good for killing obnoxious mosquitoes, trapping bits of paper and tickets in a single place (and not in the laundry), keeping track of who has offered you a couch and a hot meal, impromptu tables…the

Fiction: The Tailor of Time – Deborah Biancotti

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[Today we have something special for you! A piece of short fiction presented in two parts from the new anthology Clockwork Phoenix.  Enjoy!  – Jake] A tale of cosmic clockwork, "The Tailor of Time" is taken from the fantasy anthology Clockwork Phoenix, published in July by Norilana Books and

The Wandering Blogger: Meredith is now on the road

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There comes a time in every bloggers life where we sit back at work in our comfy chairs, clad in our finest pajamas, and query ourselves: sure, this is great, but what have we done for the readers lately? Surely, they deserve more than a simple re-post, the internet’s

Bruce Sterling – The User’s Guide to Steampunk

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(Photo from Stephanie Booth's Flickr stream) This is either brand new or somehow snuck completely under my RADAR. It's a little essay by Bruce Sterling written, I think, for GOGBOT that describes what Steampunk is and he F&@%ing nails it! NAILS it! I say. He gets the community part